The Best Time Of Year To Buy or Sell A House. Purchasing a home when prices are the lowest may not favour all. The market, your situation and needs play a significant role. Finding a home is an uphill task. Does it really matter what time of
Read more →How much do you need for down payment? Downpayment is the amount of money you put towards the purchase of a home. Deduct the downpayment from the purchase price. Mortgage loan covers the remaining fo the purchase price of the home. Minimum downpayment you will need depends
Read more →This is for buyers having hard time getting a home. You found the home of your dreams and discover there is an offer on it. Now you have two options- either to accept the loss or move on with your search.Purchase transactions have contingencies that can fall
Read more →4 Advantages of Selling in March 2020 with Sheema Kalra Team -Competitive Prices The market is very aggressive and you may have seen it with the latest market update coming out every month. Just ask us how you can get in the market this year and get
Read more →Low ball Offer in 2019! Home Sellers! What should you do if you receive low ball offer for your property? Low Ball Offers in 2019! Many Sellers will face lowball offers on their home. Its a strategy that purchasers will try to use this year in a buyers market. It could be because of high construction costs on fixer-uppers or
Read more →Power of Sale Properties & Foreclosure Homes Considering buying a Power of Sale Home? You might want to consider these odds. We think that Power of Sale transactions offer more benefits to the buyers. Look at the options available and their benefits. The sellers (Lenders) want a
Read more →For Sale By Owner Read this before selling a home by yourself ! Owner Vs Agent Marketing Homeowners do not have to spend time or money on marketing. Agents have the resources, expertise and budget to market the property. They understand how to get maximum exposure and
Read more →Curb Appeal Matters. Create a Lasting Impression! Show off the attractive exterior. This will leave a lasting impression on the prospective buyer. You want to show that the property is well maintained. Attract. Negotiate. Sell. These 3 words are the only thing that should matter to you.
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